What is Wio?

Wio is an open source Iot ecosystem. The goal of this project is to make iot development easier and simpler. Wio is developed and maintained by Waterloop and it is being actively used for building hyperloop pod production code.


  • Embedded world is complicated with seperate toolchains, proprietary vendor IDEs, and OS supported softwares. This repulses people from embedded developemnt.
  • Multiple hardware platforms (MCUs, boards) require different toolchains, IDEs, etc, and, respectively, spending time on learning new development environments.
  • Finding libraries and code samples is a hasle all the ways.
  • Sharing code and then getting it work on your personal machine is never easys.


Wio is independent from any platform and infact it has no requirements. It is a compiled binary and can run on pretty much on any machine. This allows for great portability since Wio can be used on any machine and projects can be shared easily. Wio is a command line tool and because of that it can run on any server and/or virtual machine as well.

Wio is still in beta right now and it only supports AVR and Native development. When wio 1.0.0 is released, it will ship with support for ARM platform. As project grows, support for other chips and other boards will be added.

How Does it Work

A very basic work cycle of the project development using Wio is as follows:

  • User create a project of their type (app or pkg).
  • In wio.yml file, user can specify framework, board and OS.
  • Based on the platform, framework, and board, wio links the required toolchain.
  • Users develop the code and Wio makes sure it is compiled, uploaded and runs.

Note: Wio is still in beta and if there are any issues please open an issue on wio repository.