
Wio is available for linux platform through npm. NPM is a node package manager and can be downloaded using:

# ubuntu
sudo apt-get install npm

# arch
sudo pacman -S nodejs

If you do not use ubuntu and arch, or you have any other issues, check npm install website.

Now that you have NPM installed, you can use it to install wio:

npm install -g wio

Sometimes there are issues with permissions, and to resolve those issues, you can do:

sudo npm install -g wio --unsafe-perm

Hurray! you have wio installed but wait there are few more things before you can get started. You will have to install toolchain for the platform you are building. You will also have to install build tools used by wio

Wio build Tools

Wio uses cmake and make to compile the project. Most likely your machine already has make installed. To install cmake and make:

# ubuntu
sudo apt-get install cmake make

# arch
sudo pacman -S cmake make

For more information on how to install, check cmake website.

Platform toolchain

Atmel AVR toolchain

This toolchain is used to build any AVR project and must be installed:

# ubuntu
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc avrdude

# arch
sudo pacman -S avr-gcc avr-libc avrdude

Native toolchain

In order to develop C/C++ programs, you need to download toolchain to compile and build those projects. Most popular of them is is gcc and most likely your machine already comes with it. In order to install gcc, you can do:

# ubuntu
sudp apt-get install gcc

# arc
sudo pacman -S gcc

Note: You can you any compile you like gcc is just one example.